
  Molly thought her labors were over for that night

  Molly thought her labors were over for that night, and soon went tobed, tired with her first attempts. But toward morning she waswakened by the hoarse breathing of the boy, and was forced topatter away to Miss Bat's room, humbly asking for the squills, andconfessing that the prophecy had come to pass.
  "I knew it! Bring the child to me, and don't fret. I'll see to him, andnext time you do as I say,mont blanc pens," was the consoling welcome shereceived as the old lady popped up a sleepy but anxious face in alarge flannel cap, and shook the bottle with the air of a generalwho had routed the foe before and meant to do it again.
  Leaving her little responsibility in Miss Bat's arms, Molly tired towet her pillow with a few remorseful tears, and to fall asleep,wondering if real missionaries ever killed their pupils in theprocess of conversion.
  So the girls all failed in the beginning; but they did not give up,and succeeded better next time, as we shall see.
Chapter 9
The Debating Club"Look here, old man, we ought to have a meeting. Holidays areover, and we must brace up and attend to business," said Frank toGus, as they strolled out of the schoolyard one afternoon inJanuary, apparently absorbed in conversation,Designer Handbags, but in reality waitingfor a blue cloud and a scarlet feather to appear on the steps.
  "All right. When, where, and what?" asked Gus, who was a man offew words.
  "To-night, our house, subject, 'Shall girls go to college with us?'
  Mother said we had better be making up our minds, becauseeveryone is talking about it, and we shall have to be on one side orthe other, so we may as well settle it now," answered Frank, forthere was an impression among the members that all vexedquestions would be much helped by the united eloquence andwisdom of the club.
  "Very good; I'll pass the word and be there. Hullo, Neddy! The D.
  C. meets to-night, at Minot's, seven sharp. Co-ed, &c.," added Gus,losing no time, as a third boy came briskly round the corner, with alittle bag in his hand.
  "I'll come,nike shox torch ii. Got home an hour earlier to-night, and thought I'd lookyou up as I went by," responded Ed Devlin, as he took possessionof the third post, with a glance toward the schoolhouse to see if aseal-skin cap, with a long, yellow braid depending therefrom, wasanywhere in sight.
  "Very good of you, I'm sure," said Gus, ironically, not a bitdeceived by this polite attention.
  "The longest way round is sometimes the shortest way home,fake montblanc pens, hey,Ed?" and Frank gave him a playful poke that nearly sent him offhis perch.
  Then they all laughed at some joke of their own, and Gus added,"No girls coming to hear us to-night. Don't think it, my son.
  "More's the pity," and Ed shook his head regretfully over thedownfall of his hopes.
  "Can't help it; the other fellows say they spoil the fun, so we haveto give in, sometimes, for the sake of peace and quietness. Don'tmind having them a bit myself," said Frank, in such a tone ofcheerful resignation that they laughed again, for the "Triangle," asthe three chums were called, always made merry music.
  "We must have a game party next week. The girls like that, and sodo I," candidly observed Gus, whose pleasant parlors were thescene of many such frolics.

