
Chapter 23 Peace-Making Steve

Chapter 23 Peace-Making
"Steve, I want you to tell me something," said Rose to Dandy, whowas making faces at himself in the glass, while he waited for ananswer to the note he brought from his mother to Aunt Plenty.
  "P'raps I will, and p'raps I won't. What is it?""Haven't Arch and Charlie quarrelled?""Dare say; we fellows are always having little rows, you know. Ido believe a sty is coming on my star-board eye," and Steveaffected to be absorbed in a survey of his yellow lashes.
  "No, that won't do; I want to know all about it; for I'm suresomething more serious than a 'little row' is the matter. Come,please tell me, Stenie, there's a dear.""Botheration! you don't want me to turn telltale, do you?" growledSteve, pulling his top-knot, as he always did when perplexed.
  "Yes, I do," was Rose's decided answer for she saw from hismanner that she was right, and determined to have the secret out ofhim if coaxing would do it. "I don't wish you to tell things toeveryone, of course, but to me you may, and you must, because Ihave a right to know. You boys need somebody to look after you,and I'm going to do it, for girls are nice peacemakers, and knowhow to manage people,fake uggs boots. Uncle said so, and he is never wrong."Steve was about to indulge in a derisive hoot at the idea of herlooking after them, but a sudden thought restrained him, andsuggested a way in which he could satisfy Rose, and better himselfat the same time.
  "What will you give me if I'll tell you every bit about it?" he asked,with a sudden red in his cheeks and an uneasy look in his eyes, forhe was half ashamed of the proposition.
  "What do you want?" and Rose looked up rather surprised at hisquestion.
  "I'd like to borrow some money. I shouldn't think of asking you,only Mac never has a cent. since he's set up his old chemical shop,where he'll blow himself to bits some day, and you and uncle willhave the fun of putting him together again," and Steve tried to lookas if the idea amused him.
  "I'll lend it to you with pleasure, so tell away," said Rose,nike shox torch 2, bound toget at the secret.
  Evidently much relieved by the promise, Steve set his top-knotcheerfully erect again, and briefly stated the case.
  "As you say, it's all right to tell you, but don't let the boys know Iblabbed, or Prince will take my head off. You see, Archie don'tlike some of the fellows Charlie goes with, and cuts 'em. Thatmakes Prince mad, and he holds on just to plague Arch, so theydon't speak to one another, if they can help it, and that's the row.""Are those boys bad?" asked Rose, anxiously.
  "Guess not, only rather wild. They are older than our fellows, butthey like Prince, he's such a jolly boy; sings so well, dances jigsand breakdowns, you know, and plays any game that's going. Hebeat Morse at billiards,Replica Designer Handbags, and that's something to brag of, for Morsethinks he knows everything. I saw the match, and it was great fun!"Steve got quite excited over the prowess of Charlie, whom headmired immensely, and tried to imitate. Rose did not know halfthe danger of such gifts and tastes as Charlie's, but feltinstinctively that something must be wrong if Archie disapproved,Designer Handbags.

