
coach outlet factory Prior to last December

Prior to last December, Beijing put into commercial operation only three IMAX screen, which stores and movie museum Shijingshan Wanda relatively distant location. But "Avatar" period, the audience does not care of traffic problems, braved the cold long lines at the door tickets to other IMAX film for exhibition, it evidently did not grab a ticket regardless of cost posture. Even if "Pirates of the dream space" IMAX version of word of mouth is also very good, but many visitors plan and time costs of transportation, or give up.

Wanda International Cinema Xing Yan, general manager of the market is very bullish on the IMAX, the fares are relatively high, she said that the cost of the Office of the IMAX film, screening costs, maintenance costs more than ten times higher than the average theater, the IMAX film fares in the short term certainly do not fall down, "this is a high-end look at IMAX Experience." Xing Yan, but that now the audience are more rational, will choose based on the quality of video viewing mode, so the key is the video quality, "" Avatar "This strong piece on the current screen is not enough for five . "

China Star Studios manager Hui Liu told reporters that last year the proportion of IMAX large animated film, this Carnival-style video is very popular in foreign Dell INSPIRON E1505 Laptop Battery, but not too cold domestic audience, "If it is real IMAX, there may be a good market. "

