
cheap polo shirts of them on an 8 12 by 11 sheet of paper or card stock

of them on an 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper or card stock. This
means the printer can print and cut 6,000 of them for about the
same cost as printing circulars or flyers.

On your printing, shop around for the best deal, but in the end,
it shouldn't cost more than $60 for all 6,000 coupons which will
come those 1,000 sheets of paper or card stock.

Now, when you take a person's picture, regardless of whether it's
an "in-store" set-up out on the golf course, or along the street,
you give your customer one of your coupon-receipts and tell them
their prints will be ready in a couple of days. They fill in the
information part of the coupon and give it back to you, retaining
your "business card" portion of it.

When the prints are ready, you can phone the customer and remind
him--volunteer to deliver and collect; send them through the mail
with a bill; or make arrangements with a store to take care of
them until the people call for them and pay at that time.

Most stores, golf courses, bowling centers, and other retail
merchants will be glad to handle this part of it for you, because
it brings the customers back into the places of business, and
provides another sales opportunity for them.

By all means, be sure to include an advertising circular with
each set of pictures you deliver. This circular should explain
how the customer can get more prints, how he can get enlargements
of his favorites, and details relating to all the other
photography services you offer

Back to the original "in-store" picture taking set-up during
evening shopping hours and on weekends for extra income. You can
call attention to your "in-store" set-up, and bring in more
business with a few merchandising promotional ideas. In the
following paragraphs we give the highlights of a few ideas that
have worked well. However, you should keep your eyes open to
observe additional promotional ideas that could be adapted to fit
your new business.

Dress a helper in a clown suit, and take pictures of the kids in
his lap or with his arm around the kids. Put a sandwich
advertising board on a helper and let him stroll through the
shopping center advertising the fact that you're in a Kiddies
Clothing store taking pictures.

Promote a "Baby of The Year" contest where you can take pictures
of the babies, display the pictures on a "show board" and offer
$100 cash plus a merchandise prize in a big drawing at the end of
the year.

Set up a booth in the mall and promote "Instant Snapshots." Be a
Roving Photographer and take candid shots of shoppers and promote
a "Shopper Of The Year" contest. Work with a clown and have him
"attach himself" to the kids, and ask if they'd like to have
their pictures taken with him. Build and inexpensive and portable
set, such as an airplane, a race car, bucking bronco,
hand-shaking scene with a famous person or "balloon figures" and
take pictures of the people standing in or on these sets.

Get out to the golf course and take pictures of the golfers
teeing off. Get over to the bowling centers and take candid shots

