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Clarke's marvellous conversational power was equalled only by his marvellous style. Ernest Fielding's heart leaped in him at the thought that henceforth he would be privileged to live under one roof with the only writer of his generation who could lend to the English language the rich strength and rugged music of the Elizabethans.
Reginald Clarke was a master of many instruments. Milton's mighty organ was no less obedient to his touch than the little lute of the troubadour. He was never the same; that was his strength. Clarke's style possessed at once the chiselled chasteness of a Greek marble column and the elaborate deviltry of the late Renaissance. At times his winged words seemed to flutter down the page frantically like Baroque angels; at other times nothing could have more adequately described his manner than the timeless calm of the gaunt pyramids.
The two men had reached the street. Reginald wrapped his long spring coat round him.
"I shall expect you to-morrow at four," he said.
The tone of his voice was deep and melodious, suggesting hidden depths and cadences.
"I shall be punctual."
The younger man's voice trembled as he spoke.
"I look forward to your coming with much pleasure. I am interested in you."
The glad blood mounted to Ernest's cheeks at praise from the austere lips of this arbiter of literary elegance.
An almost imperceptible smile crept over the other man's features.
"I am proud that my work interests you," was all the boy could say.
"I think it is quite amazing, but at present," here Clarke drew out a watch set with jewels, "I am afraid I must bid you good-bye."
He held Ernest's hand for a moment in a firm genial grasp, then turned away briskly, while the boy remained standing open-mouthed. The crowd jostling against him carried him almost off his feet, but his eyes followed far into the night the masterful figure of Reginald Clarke, toward whom he felt himself drawn with every fiber of his body and the warm enthusiasm of his generous youth.
Chapter 2
With elastic step, inhaling the night-air with voluptuous delight, Reginald Clarke made his way down Broadway, lying stretched out before him, bathed in light and pulsating with life.
His world-embracing intellect was powerfully attracted by the Giant City's motley activities. On the street, as in the salon, his magnetic power compelled recognition, and he stepped through the midst of the crowd as a Circassian blade cleaves water.
After walking a block or two, he suddenly halted before a jeweller's shop. Arrayed in the window were priceless gems that shone in the glare of electricity, like mystical serpent-eyes--green, pomegranate and water-blue. And as he stood there the dazzling radiance before him was transformed in the prism of his mind into something great and very wonderful that might, some day, be a poem.
Then his attention was diverted by a small group of tiny girls dancing on the sidewalk to the husky strains of an old hurdy-gurdy. He joined the circle of amused spectators, to watch those pink-ribboned bits of femininity swaying airily to and fro in unison with the tune. One especially attracted his notice--a slim olive-coloured girl from a land where it is always spring. Her whole being translated into music, with hair dishevelled and feet hardly touching the ground, the girl suggested an orange-leaf dancing on a sunbeam. The rasping street-organ, perchance, brought to her melodious reminiscences of some flute-playing Savoyard boy, brown-limbed and dark of hair.


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“Oh, wonder upon wonder! and joy upon joy!” cried Lady Clonbrony. “So my darling Grace is as legitimate as I am, and an heiress after all. Where is she? where is she? In your room, Lady Berryl?— Oh, Colambre! why wouldn’t you let her be by?— Lady Berryl, do you know, he would not let me send for her, though she was the person of all others most concerned!”
“For that very reason, ma’am; and that Lord Colambre was quite right, I am sure you must be sensible, when you recollect, that Grace has no idea that she is not the daughter of Mr. Nugent: she has no suspicion that the breath of blame ever lighted upon her mother. This part of the story cannot be announced to her with too much caution; and, indeed, her mind has been so much harassed and agitated, and she is at present so far from strong, that great delicacy —.”
“True! very true, Lady Berryl,” interrupted Lady Clonbrony; “and I’ll be as delicate as you please about it afterwards: but, in the first and foremost place, I must tell her the best part of the story — that she’s an heiress; that never killed any body!”
So, darting through all opposition, Lady Clonbrony made her way into the room where Grace was lying —“Yes, get up! get up! my own Grace, and be surprised — well you may!— you are an heiress, after all.”
“Am I, my dear aunt?” said Grace.
“True, as I’m Lady Clonbrony — and a very great heiress — and no more Colambre’s cousin than Lady Berryl here. So now begin and love him as fast as you please — I give my consent — and here he is.”
Lady Clonbrony turned to her son, who just appeared at the door.
“Ob, mother! what have you done?”
“What have I done?” cried Lady Clonbrony, following her son’s eyes:—“Lord bless me!— Grace fainted dead — Lady Berryl! Oh, what have I done? My dear Lady Berryl, what shall we do?”
Lady Berryl hastened to her friend’s assistance.
“There! her colour’s coming again,” said Lord Clonbrony; “come away, my dear Lady Clonbrony, for the present, and so will I— though I long to talk to the darling girl myself; but she is not equal to it yet.”
When Grace came to herself, she first saw Lady Berryl leaning over her, and, raising herself a little, she said, “What has happened?— I don’t know yet — I don’t know whether I am happy or not.— Explain all this to me, my dear friend; for I am still as if I were in a dream.”
With all the delicacy which Lady Clonbrony deemed superfluous, Lady Berryl explained. Nothing could surpass the astonishment of Grace, on first learning that Mr. Nugent was not her father. When she was told of the stigma that had been cast on her birth; the suspicions, the disgrace, to which her mother had been subjected for so many years — that mother, whom she had so loved and respected; who had, with such care, instilled into the mind of her daughter the principles of virtue and religion; that mother whom Grace had always seen the example of every virtue she taught; on whom her daughter never suspected that the touch of blame, the breath of scandal, could rest — Grace could express her sensations only by repeating, in tones of astonishment, pathos, indignation —“My mother!— my mother!— my mother!”

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Hamilton's grave face set rigidly, for he smelt trouble. You do not send pleasant news by pigeons.
"Speak," he said.
"Lord," said Kelili, "there is to be a killing palaver between the Ochori and the Akasava on the first rise of the full moon, for N'gori speaks of Bosambo evilly, and says that the Chief has raided him. In what manner these things will come about," Kelili went on, with the lofty indifference of one who had done his part of the business, so that he had left no room for carelessness, "I do not know, but I have warned all eyes of the Government to watch."
Bones followed the conversation without difficulty.
"What do people say?" asked Hamilton.
"Lord, they say that Sandi has gone and there is no law."
Hamilton of the Houssas grinned. "Oh, ain't there?" said he, in English, vilely.
"Ain't there?" repeated an indignant Bones, "we'll jolly well show old Thinggumy what's what."
Bosambo received an envoy from the Chief of the Akasava, and the envoy brought with him presents of dubious value and a message to the effect that N'gori spent much of his waking moments in wondering how he might best serve his brother Bosambo, "The right arm on which I and my people lean and the bright eyes through which I see beauty."
Bosambo returned the messenger, with presents more valueless, and an assurance of friendship more sonorous, more complete in rhetoric and aptness of hyperbole, and when the messenger had gone Bosambo showed his appreciation of N'gori's love by doubling the guard about the Ochori city and sending a strong picket under his chief headman to hold the river bend.
"Because," said this admirable philosopher, "life is like certain roots: some that taste sweet and are bitter in the end, and some that are vile to the lips and pleasant to the stomach."
It was a wild night, being in the month of rains. M'shimba M'shamba was abroad, walking with his devastating feet through the forest, plucking up great trees by their roots and tossing them aside as though they were so many canes. There was a roaring of winds and a crashing of thunders, and the blue-white lightning snicked in and out of the forest or tore sprawling cracks in the sky. In the Ochori city they heard the storm grumbling across the river and were awakened by the incessant lightning--so incessant that the weaver birds who lived in palms that fringed the Ochori streets came chattering to life.
It was too loud a noise, that M'shimba M'shamba made for the _lokali_ man of the Ochori to hear the message that N'gori sent--the panic-message designed to lure Bosambo to the newly-purchased spears.
Bones heard it--Bones, standing on the bridge of the _Zaire_ pounding away upstream, steaming past the Akasava city in a sheet of rain.
"Wonder what the jolly old row is?" he muttered to himself, and summoned his sergeant. "Ali," said he, in faultless Arabic, "what beating of drums are these?"
"Lord," said the sergeant, uneasily, "I do not know, unless they be to warn us not to travel at night. I am your man, Master," said he in a fret, "yet never have I travelled with so great a fear: even our Lord Sandi does not move by night, though the river is his own child."


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But away with dreams. This is a work-a-day world and I am racing Time around it. After dinner, when the boat anchored, waiting for the tide which was to carry us safely over the bar, I went below to see the Chinese passengers. They were gambling, smoking opium, sleeping, cooking, eating, reading and talking, all huddled together on one deck, which was in one large room, not divided into cabins. They carry their own beds, a bit of matting, and their own food, little else than rice and tea.
Before daybreak we anchored at Canton. The Chinamen went ashore the moment we landed, but the other passengers remained for breakfast.
While we were having breakfast, the guide whom the captain had secured for us, came on board and quietly supervised the luncheon we were to take with us. A very clever fellow was that guide, Ah Cum. The first thing he said to us was “A Merry Christmas!” and as it had even slipped our minds, I know we all appreciated the polite thoughtfulness of our Chinese guide. Ah Cum told me later that he had been educated in an American mission located in Canton, but he assured me, with great earnestness, that English was all he learned. He would have none of the Christian religion. Ah Cum’s son was also educated in an American mission, and, like his father, has put his learning to good account. Besides being paid as guide, Ah Cum collects a percentage from merchants for all the goods bought by tourists. Of course the tourists pay higher prices than they would otherwise, and Ah Cum sees they visit no shops where he is not paid his little fee.
Ah Cum is more comely in features than most Mongolians, his nose being more shapely and his eyes less slit-like than those of most of his race. He had on his feet beaded black shoes with white soles. His navy-blue trousers, or tights, more properly speaking, were tied around the ankle and fitted very tight over most of the leg. Over this he wore a blue, stiffly starched shirt-shaped garment, which reached his heels, while over this he wore a short padded and quilted silk jacket, somewhat similar to a smoking jacket. His long, coal-black queue, finished with a tassel of black silk, touched his heels, and on the spot where the queue began rested a round black turban.
Ah Cum had chairs ready for us. His chair was a neat arrangement in black, black silk hangings, tassels, fringe and black wood-poles finished with brass knobs. Once in it, he closed it, and was hidden from the gaze of the public. Our plain willow chairs had ordinary covers, which, to my mind, rather interfered with sightseeing. We had three coolies to each chair. Those with us were bare-footed, with tousled pig-tail and navy-blue shirts and trousers, much the worse for wear both in cleanliness and quality. Ah Cum’s coolies wore white linen garments, gayly trimmed with broad bands of red cloth, looking very much like a circus clown’s costume.
Ah Cum led the way, our coolies following. For a time I was only conscious of a confused mass of black faces and long pig tails, though shortly I became accustomed to it, and was able to distinguish different objects along the crowded thoroughfare; could note the different stands and the curious looks of the people. We were carried along dark and dirty narrow ways, in and about fish stands, whence odors drifted, filling me with disgust, until we crossed a bridge which spanned a dark and sluggish stream.

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As he was waiting for his train, his attention was attracted by a bill posted up on the walls, containing the following notice:
"On the 4th of December, the engineer, James Starr, of Edinburgh, embarked from Granton Pier, on board the Prince of Wales. He disembarked the same day at Stirling. From that time nothing further has been heard of him.
"Any information concerning him is requested to be sent to the President of the Royal Institution, Edinburgh."
Jack Ryan, stopping before one of these advertisements, read it twice over, with extreme surprise.
"Mr. Starr!" he exclaimed. "Why, on the 4th of December I met him with Harry on the ladder of the Dochart pit! That was ten days ago! And he has not been seen from that time! That explains why my chum didn't come to Irvine."
And without taking time to inform the President of the Royal Institution by letter, what he knew relative to James Starr, Jack jumped into the train, determining to go first of all to the Yarrow shaft. There he would descend to the depths of the pit, if necessary, to find Harry, and with him was sure to be the engineer James Starr.
"They haven't turned up again," said he to himself. "Why? Has anything prevented them? Could any work of importance keep them still at the bottom of the mine? I must find out!" and Ryan, hastening his steps, arrived in less than an hour at the Yarrow shaft.
Externally nothing was changed. The same silence around. Not a living creature was moving in that desert region. Jack entered the ruined shed which covered the opening of the shaft. He gazed down into the dark abyss--nothing was to be seen. He listened--nothing was to be heard.
"And my lamp!" he exclaimed; "suppose it isn't in its place!" The lamp which Ryan used when he visited the pit was usually deposited in a corner, near the landing of the topmost ladder. It had disappeared.
"Here is a nuisance!" said Jack, beginning to feel rather uneasy. Then, without hesitating, superstitious though he was, "I will go," said he, "though it's as dark down there as in the lowest depths of the infernal regions!"
And he began to descend the long flight of ladders, which led down the gloomy shaft. Jack Ryan had not forgotten his old mining habits, and he was well acquainted with the Dochart pit, or he would scarcely have dared to venture thus. He went very carefully, however. His foot tried each round, as some of them were worm-eaten. A false step would entail a deadly fall, through this space of fifteen hundred feet. He counted each landing as he passed it, knowing that he could not reach the bottom of the shaft until he had left the thirtieth. Once there, he would have no trouble, so he thought, in finding the cottage, built, as we have said, at the extremity of the principal passage.
Jack Ryan went on thus until he got to the twenty-sixth landing, and consequently had two hundred feet between him and the bottom.
Here he put down his leg to feel for the first rung of the twenty-seventh ladder. But his foot swinging in space found nothing to rest on. He knelt down and felt about with his hand for the top of the ladder. It was in vain.


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Feng shui colors knowledge can allow you to choose the most benefecial colors to produce harmony in any living or working space as well as it can be used with anything that needs selecting colors. And according to feng shui, one factor that makes lots of influence in your daily behavior is the color around you.

According to feng shui colors specifications, colors should not be used randomly but according to what they represent. Essentially, feng shui colors are based on the five elements, water, fire, wood, earth and metal.

It affects your mood, your energy and your desires throughout the day. Notice that if you paint an entire room, changing it from a boring plain white to a beautiful shade of green. The room itself gives off a switched feeling or ambience. You抣l possibly begin to feeling more stimulating and energizing. This is called a Feng Shui colors enhancement.

The use of colors as described by Feng Shui is a simple and useful way to adjust the feeling of your living space. You actually don抰 need to go as far as painting an entire room to feel the transformation in your life. You can paint only one wall with a new color to start feeling the difference. Pieces and accessories are also special ways to incorporate a color into your house.Understanding the correct use of feng shui colors, you will be capable to select the greatest colors to create harmony in any room or living space, this knowledge also can be used with anything that involves colors.

The feng shui colors specifications dictates that colors should not be used randomly, but according to what they attracts and associates to. The proper application of feng shui colors to both feng shui and interior design is an essential knowledge if you intend to benefit from it in your home and also in your life.

Feng shui may be considered a complex method, something that you do not learn overnight. But definitely you do not have to be an expert to start playing with the basics of this art in your home. Just learn the basic principles and follow your instincts and feelings, having a good aesthetic eye helps too. Just look at a color or design piece and judge it based on the mood that it impresses on you. Even simple color modifications can make your life much better.

Yellow - Yang

Cheerfulness; if you use this color too much you may feel anxious or tired. Joy and warmth are the feelings that this color produces. It's proven scientifically that this color produces the liberation of sertonin, the feel good hormone. Applying a soft shade in the kitchen helps to start the day with cheerfulness, bringing mental energy an clarity. Yellow is very effective to stimulate conversation in a family/living room.

Red - Yang

This color attracts attention and invites action; when used in excess can make you agitate or anger. It抯 an efficient color for getting inspiration. Use it to spark romance, adding touches to a master bedroom. But not overuse it, since the bedroom is a place for rest and rejuvenation.The use of subdued shades such as pink, rose, peach or taupe effectively bring in softer, yet romantic energies.

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I was not afraid, but my head swam a little and I only looked at him mutely.
“Lunch precisely at midday. Mills will bring you along. I am sorry you two are going. I shall throw myself on the bed for an hour or two, but I am sure I won’t sleep.”
He accompanied us along the passage into the black-and-white hall, where the low gas flame glimmered forlornly. When he opened the front door the cold blast of the mistral rushing down the street of the Consuls made me shiver to the very marrow of my bones.
Mills and I exchanged but a few words as we walked down towards the centre of the town. In the chill tempestuous dawn he strolled along musingly, disregarding the discomfort of the cold, the depressing influence of the hour, the desolation of the empty streets in which the dry dust rose in whirls in front of us, behind us, flew upon us from the side streets. The masks had gone home and our footsteps echoed on the flagstones with unequal sound as of men without purpose, without hope.
“I suppose you will come,” said Mills suddenly.
“I really don’t know,” I said.
“Don’t you? Well, remember I am not trying to persuade you; but I am staying at the Hotel de Louvre and I shall leave there at a quarter to twelve for that lunch. At a quarter to twelve, not a minute later. I suppose you can sleep?”
I laughed.
“Charming age, yours,” said Mills, as we came out on the quays. Already dim figures of the workers moved in the biting dawn and the masted forms of ships were coming out dimly, as far as the eye could reach down the old harbour.
“Well,” Mills began again, “you may oversleep yourself.”
This suggestion was made in a cheerful tone, just as we shook hands at the lower end of the Cannebiere. He looked very burly as he walked away from me. I went on towards my lodgings. My head was very full of confused images, but I was really too tired to think.
Part 2 Chapter 1
Sometimes I wonder yet whether Mills wished me to oversleep myself or not: that is, whether he really took sufficient interest to care. His uniform kindliness of manner made it impossible for me to tell. And I can hardly remember my own feelings. Did I care? The whole recollection of that time of my life has such a peculiar quality that the beginning and the end of it are merged in one sensation of profound emotion, continuous and overpowering, containing the extremes of exultation, full of careless joy and of an invincible sadness — like a day-dream. The sense of all this having been gone through as if in one great rush of imagination is all the stronger in the distance of time, because it had something of that quality even then: of fate unprovoked, of events that didn’t cast any shadow before.
Not that those events were in the least extraordinary. They were, in truth, commonplace. What to my backward glance seems startling and a little awful is their punctualness and inevitability. Mills was punctual. Exactly at a quarter to twelve he appeared under the lofty portal of the Hotel de Louvre, with his fresh face, his ill-fitting grey suit, and enveloped in his own sympathetic atmosphere.

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I became suddenly extremely delighted with my company. A man who “lived by his sword,” before my eyes, close at my elbow! So such people did exist in the world yet! I had not been born too late! And across the table with his air of watchful, unmoved benevolence, enough in itself to arouse one’s interest, there was the man with the story of a shipwreck that mustn’t be shouted on housetops. Why?
I understood very well why, when he told me that he had joined in the Clyde a small steamer chartered by a relative of his, “a very wealthy man,” he observed (probably Lord X, I thought), to carry arms and other supplies to the Carlist army. And it was not a shipwreck in the ordinary sense. Everything went perfectly well to the last moment when suddenly the Numancia (a Republican ironclad) had appeared and chased them ashore on the French coast below Bayonne. In a few words, but with evident appreciation of the adventure, Mills described to us how he swam to the beach clad simply in a money belt and a pair of trousers. Shells were falling all round till a tiny French gunboat came out of Bayonne and shooed the Numancia away out of territorial waters.
He was very amusing and I was fascinated by the mental picture of that tranquil man rolling in the surf and emerging breathless, in the costume you know, on the fair land of France, in the character of a smuggler of war material. However, they had never arrested or expelled him, since he was there before my eyes. But how and why did he get so far from the scene of his sea adventure was an interesting question. And I put it to him with most naive indiscretion which did not shock him visibly. He told me that the ship being only stranded, not sunk, the contraband cargo aboard was doubtless in good condition. The French custom-house men were guarding the wreck. If their vigilance could be — h’m — removed by some means, or even merely reduced, a lot of these rifles and cartridges could be taken off quietly at night by certain Spanish fishing boats. In fact, salved for the Carlists, after all. He thought it could be done. . . .
I said with professional gravity that given a few perfectly quiet nights (rare on that coast) it could certainly be done.
Mr. Mills was not afraid of the elements. It was the highly inconvenient zeal of the French custom-house people that had to be dealt with in some way.
“Heavens!” I cried, astonished. “You can’t bribe the French Customs. This isn’t a South-American republic.”
“Is it a republic?” he murmured, very absorbed in smoking his wooden pipe.
“Well, isn’t it?”
He murmured again, “Oh, so little.” At this I laughed, and a faintly humorous expression passed over Mills’ face. No. Bribes were out of the question, he admitted. But there were many legitimist sympathies in Paris. A proper person could set them in motion and a mere hint from high quarters to the officials on the spot not to worry over-much about that wreck. . . .
What was most amusing was the cool, reasonable tone of this amazing project. Mr. Blunt sat by very detached, his eyes roamed here and there all over the cafe; and it was while looking upward at the pink foot of a fleshy and very much foreshortened goddess of some sort depicted on the ceiling in an enormous composition in the Italian style that he let fall casually the words, “She will manage it for you quite easily.”


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In recent years the popular Showtime network television show "weeds" has really exploded into a highly enjoyable and also a highly addictive television show to watch! The show followed a widowed suburban mother of two boys, Nancy Botwin who is determined as ever, to impress her peers of the idyllic community of Agrestic, a very cookie cutter type community. What's more is that her fellow neighbors all remain completely oblivious to the fact that Nancy is a high dealing weeds dealer! Soon enough Nancy finds herself as the number one source for high quality weed. Everyone comes to Nancy for their high!

This show never ever leaves a dull moment to be found and is just out of this world hilarious! As you first start getting into the show , you soon find yourself incredibly addicted to it! That's the thing about "weeds", is how addicting it really can be! With four complete seasons already under it's belt , the series shows no signs of slowing down ever, anytime soon at least!

Ever since premiering in 2005, weeds has gone on to win numerous awards, including a Golden Globe award for Mary Louise Parker for best performance by an actress in a television series- comedy or musical and also picked up numerous other Emmy award nominations!

So what is it that makes this show so popular amongst young people especially, including high school students as well as college students especially? Perhaps it's the fact that weed is something that we must somehow, whether directly or indirectly face at some point or another.

What's nice about this show is that it does not necessarily portray weed itself in a very bad light. Perhaps that's what makes it so popular, cause we can see weed from a light and very humorous light instead. The show also touches on some very deep family issues, from mother-son relationships to brother to brother relationships. And it even touches on some very basic sexual relationships as well, including a very funny episode where 13 year old Shane Botwin loses his virginity!

And then there's also Celia, Nancy's friend and sometimes nemesis. She's always the one that everyone just craps on�simply hilarious! She also has an over weight daughter which she treats very badly as well. Ultimately, she's a really dysfunctional woman that doesn't know how to raise her child properly and watching how she goes on in life, trying to make things work is just simply hilarious!

Altogether , the show is delightfully funny, making each episode a step different than the others and you can be sure that you'll never ever be bored with the Weeds shenanigans! Up next for the show is season five, which will debut on Showtime in just a couple of months. Weeds is by far the most popular show that the Showtime network has now and it's been greatly thanked for this show that the network got "saved", so to speak. Weeds is truly a cool show, and will appeal to young kids, to grown up adults and even to older, more mature individuals!


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"Rapid Weight Loss Techniques"

Other than physical appearance weight affects a person in many ways. This could be the overall quality of life, self-esteem, depression, health risks, and physical incapabilities. There are a lot of positive changes once a person experience weight loss. It is for this reason why a lot of people are searching for a weight loss technique that will surely trim down those fats and get a super slim head turner body.

The first thing that an over-weight should do is seek a doctor to recommend the best weight loss regimen. This will be done after a full physical examination, which leads to the determination of proper weight loss technique. And to lose weight fast and effectively four aspects of life should be changed: what to eat, how to eat, behavior and activity level.

Here are fast tips that can change an over-weight's life:

First: Fast weight loss composes of a multi-faceted technique that consists mindset, exercise, and in other cases, diet supplements. Begin by learning a diet food plan that can easily be accustomed with. Incorporate an exercise plan that allows even at least fifteen minutes a day like brisk walking, running, swimming, and dancing.

Second: Set realistic approaches. The ability to focus and have proper mindset enables someone on a diet to quickly lose those extra pounds. With discipline and proper mind set, a dieter will never be discouraged and lose focus.

Third: Listen as the body speaks. Each and everyone's body metabolism reacts differently to different fast weight loss programs and plans. Try substituting one program for another to compensate the body's reaction. Exercise program must be suitable to one's body, as others are not able to exercise as rigorously as others can. If walking is all that can be done, then walk for this is proven the best exercise. Muscles burn more calories than fats so it's also best to put on a little muscle and looking good too.

Fourth: Eat more fibers for it makes a person full sooner and stays in the tummy longer, slowing down the rate of digestion. A single serving of whole grain bread moves fat through the digestive system faster. Grains turn into blood sugar that spikes the body's insulin level. Thus, making the body more energized and ready to tell the body when it should stop burning fats or start storing.

Fifth: Keep away from fried foods especially deep-fried as this contains a great amount of fat. Although fish and chicken appear leaner than beef, this white meat can contain more fat than when a beef is fried. It is recommended for those on strict diet to opt for grilled food as this does not have or contain less amount of fat after the food is cooked.

Sixth: Takes lots of fluid. Drinking at least six to eight glasses of water a day keeps the body refreshed. Since weight loss depends on how the body eliminates body wastes, the body must stay hydrated.

All in all, discipline and consistency is still the best practice and the key to a rapid weight loss success. Light dieting, workout, and right amount of supplementation applied in a regular way everyday will result in faster weight loss than having a massive action only to be followed a return to old habits as this would only lead to gaining more weight than when the weight loss plan has started.

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An online ticket exchange is the perfect place for buying and selling hard-to-get New York theater tickets. Online ticket brokers provide theater enthusiasts the chance to procure or sell the most sought-after tickets for international performances at fair market prices. Some ticket brokers also specialize in tickets such as front row tickets to all sold out events. However, if you are looking for face value theater tickets or cheap tickets for the hottest shows in town, it is always best to contact the official ticket office. Most venues and bands have a box office that sells season theater tickets and face value theater tickets to most events.
If you are looking to make your time in New York a memorable one and enjoy the best theater events the season has to offer, there has never been a better choice than online ticket brokers to purchase your New York Theater Tickets. Whether you are looking to get tickets for concerts, ballets, plays or musical performances, online ticket brokers offer a wide variety of seats and prices to match any budget. With premium theater tickets from these ticket brokers, you can be sure of enjoying the theatrical experience of the season that everyone is buzzing about.

As well as making it easy and simple to buy or sell your New York theater tickets, online ticket brokers ensure their safe and prompt home-delivery with online tracking. In addition, authorized ticket brokers often provide similar or better tickets than the theater tickets you have ordered or a full refund if any problem arises. As long as the broker is adequately certified and trustworthy, you can safely depend on him to get you tickets at the best rates possible. Online ticket brokers thus provide a certified, safe marketplace for theater tickets with dedicated customer service.


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Once you have asked your questions. Then ask again are there any other hidden cost to start the program. These are the things that can be between you being in profit or eating up your profit.

There are lots of so calls free to join home business out there. Remember the business being free is one thing, but marketing and advertising of that business are quite another. Next always remember anything worth having will not be free and nothing in life is free, and no one gives away something for nothing.

Let sum up again. Decide on the Cash Gifting program to join. Make sure it has a digital tracking recording system that is automatic. Check out the team that you can communicate with. Does it offer you a reasonable chance of making money on web from home? What is the realistic potential of the program bottom line? If your income is estimated at a given level, then take 20-50% of that level and see what you come up with. Does this come up to what you can live with after give the program a good honest try of 6-8 months. Does this make the initial investment worth it for you?

How much control of your new business will you have? Be clear on the rules and how they work and the type of marketing you can do with the business, online or offline.

The Cash Gifting program has been around for a long long time. It has been know to work if you choose to work. The potential of high profits has been proven and documented. With all this in mind it should allow you to make an educated decision. IT will build you profitable cash gifting home business that will give you a source of income for you and your family a source of income for as long as you work it.

coach outlet online How to Craft Porcelain Doll Aprons Now that you have created patterns to make yo

How to Craft Porcelain Doll Aprons

Now that you have created patterns to make your porcelain doll dress, you may want to add an apron to enhance her fashion. Aprons are relatively simple to make. You will need material, including 6 inches of light colored plain-woven fabrics (Batiste) to make your apron. You will also need lace, about 3/8 inches with narrowed edges. In addition, you will need white DMC thread made of poly-cotton, embroidery white thread, fabric glue and spray, embroidery DMC thread (pink and green; 818-pink; 524-green) and studs for your apron. (OOO-Studs)

Now that you have your items, you can begin making your apron. You can either procure lace or else design your own edges. In this instance, we are going to make up edges, such as the scallop and ruffles.

You will need craft paper and pencil to draw your apron pattern. Once you have the pattern drawn, cut it out. Use your stabilizer spray, at the bottom untreated edges, spray about 2 inches, and allow it to dry. Press your rigid fabric. Now, begin sewing a fabric edging, i.e. an ornamental undulate edge in your fabric. (Scallop) You want to sew along the bottom untreated edges. Next, sew parallel with the distance across your skirt. Leave � inch or 1 inch opening at the right side of your �foot presser.� Avoid sewing overly close to the untreated edges.

TIP: If you use a sewing machine, use your settings to form the scallop method.

Next, use your fabric glue and run it the length of the outside edges of your pattern. Allow the glue to dry and then cut excessive fabric using craft scissors to fit. Cut another 15 inches lengthwise of your fabric and another 4 inches widthwise. You are now ready to start stitching your ruffles. Sew your embroidery scallop on after you finish the untreated edges, stitching the edges so that it zigzags. You want to stitch the seams at the back to the dot and to the hem. Gather your stitches, running them in a line and at the crown. To create the edge of your apron, cut any unwanted length.

Apron making is created in a few methods, which include cutting out the �shoulder straps� and the waistline per outline or pattern. You want to crisscross when stitching along the thin edges of the lace. Continue stitching to the middle edges at the back and bring the right edges collectively to open the apron at the back middle. Now you can fold the lace, press and add a couple of lines while collecting the stitches near the edges of the crown of your kilt. Gather and pull up the fitted kilt, collecting it to meet the waist and compare the middle front as well as the notch. Make sure the gathered area is even. Stitch collectively and brush the seams whilst using the crisscross method to complete your task.

Next, trim the shoulder ruffles in a straight line along the pattern to sew fabric edges. (Scallop) Now take your stitches, gather, and run a few lines along the curvatures of the edge of your shoulder ruffles. Between the notches on your shoulder scrap, place your completed edges and even them out as you sew the seam lines and the trim. Now, fold the straps along the folded line. Press your pattern and turn it so that it falls beneath the untreated edges. Next, sew hidden stitches beneath the strap, preparing the seams of your ruffles. The shoulder straps can now go on the waistband, which should compare to the notches. Before you complete your task, compare the shoulder straps to your doll to make sure it fits, and then complete your stitching.

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Regardless of what you're trying to sell, you really can't sell
it without "talking" with your prospective buyer. And in
attempting to sell anything by mail, the sales letter you send
out is when and how you talk to your prospect.

All winning sales letters "talk" to the prpspect by creating an
image in the mind of the reader. They "set the scence" by
appealing to a desire or need; and then thet flow smoothly into
the "visionary" part of the sales pitch by describing in detail
how wonderful life will be and, how "good" the prospect is going
to feel after he's purchased your product. This is the"body or
guts" of a sales letter.

Overall, a winning sales letter follows a time-tested and proven
formula: 1) Get his attention 2) Get him interested in what you
can do for him 3) Make him desire the benefits of your product so
badly his mouth begins to water 4) Demand action from him-tell
him to send for whatever it is you're selling without delay- any
procrastination on his part might cause him to lose out. This is
called the " AIDA' formula and it works.

Sales letters that pull in the most sales are almost always two
pages with 1 1/2 spaces between lines. For really big ticket
items, they'll run at least four pages- on an 11 by 17 inch sheet
of paper folded in half. If your sales letter is only two pages
in length, there's nothing wrong with running it on the front and
back of one sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 paper. However, your sales letter
should always be letterhead paper- your letterhead printed, and
including your logo and business motto if you have one.

Regardless of the length of your sales letter, it should do one
thing, and that's sell, and sell hard! If you intend to close the
sale, you've got to do it with your sales letter. You should
never be "wishy-washy" with your sales letter and expect to close
the sale with a color brochure or circular. You do the actual
selling and the closing of that sale with your sales letter- any
brochure or circular you send along with it will just reinforce
what you say in the sales letter.

Ther's been a great deal of discussion in the past few years
regarding just how long a sales letter should be. A lot of people
are asking: Will people really take the time to read a long sales
letter. The answer is a simple and time-tested yes indeed!
Surveys and tests over the years emphatically proven that longer
sales letter pull even better than the shorter ones, so don't
worry about the length of your sales letter- just make sure that
it sells your product for you!

The "inside secret" is to make your sales letter so interesting,
and "visionary" with the benefits you're offering to the reader,
and he can't resist reading it all the way through. You break up
the "work" of reading by using short, punchy sentences,
underlining important points you're trying to make, with the use
of subheadlines, indentations and even the use of a second color.

Relative to the brochure or circulars you may want to include

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Centerpiece Activities

The question of who will get to take home the centerpiece can sometimes be a central discussion at reception dinner tables, particularly if the centerpiece is particularly pretty or original.

Making a game of who gets the centerpiece, then, can be an amusing diversion and one many guests will enjoy participating in. Here are some ideas for giving away that reception table centerpiece.

How about a game of 20 questions? Give each guest a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. The MC or DJ asks a series of 20 questions, but first gives the guests the basic background information, that is, that the answer is an animal, place, person or thing. Once that's taken care of, people can shout out questions and the MC or DJ will answer yes or no, and whoever figures out the answer first gets the first centerpiece, and that particular table is done playing. The game is repeated until one person at each table has won the centerpiece.

One of the most popular ways brides give away the table centerpieces is to put a number on the bottom of the centerpiece and give each guest a number. At some point in the evening, a number is called, each guest checks his or her number and whoever has the called number gets the centerpiece. There are many ways to put a twist on this traditional activity.

For example, you might provide each table with a number, but make it a lower number (ie. between 1 and 10) and the DJ or MC could move from table to table and have each guest do something a certain number of times. So, at the first table, for example, the guests might need to do "head, shoulders, knees and toes" six times and whoever does it first gets the centerpiece. Or, at the second table, the guests might be required to sing the alphabet 3 times or sing "twinkle, twinkle, little star" three times and whoever does that first get the centerpiece.

Another fun activity for divvying up the centerpieces is to require guests to produce a certain item. The DJ or MC moves from table to table, announcing what guests at that table will be required to produce in order to get the centerpiece. Maybe it's a Georgia quarter or a mint, or a doctor's appointment card. Whatever it is, the guest at each table who produces the requested item will get the centerpiece.

You can always make it easy and offer the centerpiece to the oldest person at the table, or the one who took the most number of years to finish college. Perhaps you could create an activity where the person who has the strangest talent (as voted on by the tablemates) wins the centerpiece. Then, if possible, that person might show off the talent for the entire reception party.

If you like musical chairs, you can play a game of musical dollar bills in order to give the centerpiece away. Someone takes out a one-dollar bill and music begins playing. Everyone at the table passes the dollar bill around the table and when the music stops, whoever is left holding the bill gets the centerpiece. Or this game can be played a bit more traditionally with the person with the bill being eliminated, and the game continuing until only one person is holding the bill. That person can then be awarded with the centerpiece. Or, for a fun twist, the bill can be passed around and when the music stops, the person holding the bill is told to return it to the person who first supplied it. That is the person who gets the centerpiece.


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How many times have you wondered and asked yourself why other people seem to always get those gift cards and you don抰? Countless times, I suppose? Have you ever wondered how they do it? Or if they have a well-kept secret? Getting a gift card will help you a lot, especially in times when you are financially short. Gift cards are good supplements for your income, more so at times when the global economic picture is still quite blurry. Well, if you want a gift card badly, you抣l have to know that getting one means you抣l need to somehow learn how to buy Online Gift Cards. You抣l also have to pay careful attention to some tips and notes that you need to constantly remember.

First of all, you should know that anyone is entitled to receiving gift cards from online sources. There are no wrong or right persons; no class or religion preferred ?practically anyone can get gift cards. In addition, there is not wrong or right time in getting those special gift cards; you can get one anytime and wherever you may be. There is actually just one simple requirement: that you are willing to spend a few minutes in front of the computer, every day.

Another important thing that you need to learn is how to test the gift card offers that come your way. Some of the offers that are found in your email may be scams. But then, more and more companies are now using gift cards for a variety of purposes, so much so that a lot of websites and companies have now set up their own gift cards pages. The companies and businesses that offer gift cards have sponsors that pay for the gift cards. This is normally done as some sort of an exchange for surveys and product trials or sample that will ultimately help them gauge where they stand in the market. Many have recognized this as a process that effectively advertises and promotes various products and services. It is a practice that a lot of people (especially those involved in marketing and advertising) and companies like because they get to save on expenses and also reach a greater number of people, in different parts of the world.

You will be given the honor of choosing which product samples you want to try on or to survey. These instances, however, will require your credit card information, so it is important that you take note of when the trial period will end. If you forget about the trial period expiration, there抯 a big possibility that your credit card will be debited for your membership payment. Just do not forget to follow every requirement and ever instruction, and your gift cards will be in your hands in no time!

It will also be good to browse through the Internet and find good deals for gift cards. However, to make sure that you choose the one with the best and safest offers, you can print our every offer page that the online gift card provider has. Read through their requirements and their terms and conditions. Knowing their terms and conditions will help you make a list of the requirements needed; like referrals or paying a minimal joining fee. The best thing to do is find a provider that has a good mix of features and offers that can benefit you; that can bring you the results that you need.

louis vuitoon 17 - Weakness in Safe List

Weakness in Safe List

How would you like to send your commercial emails to people you do not know, but are expecting to receive such mail from you? Wait a minute. That does not sound right. How can this be?

It is simple, if you know what is really going on. Everybody who is on these lists, also known as safe lists, knows that they will be receiving emails from other members. This is possible because that is one of the conditions of their “safe list” membership.

And those who join these lists are willing to agree to this condition because they themselves would want to send out their own commercial emails to the others on the list.

The result: everyone is sending emails to each other but no one is reading them!

It gets worse when some savvy members sign up for the membership using a free or less-frequently-used account to store the useless emails they will never bother to open and read.

Having said that, it is always wiser to start your own mailing list and build it with opt-in subscribers, no matter how tempting safe lists can be or how many members there are in a safe list.

[Insert Your Resource Box Here]

(Words: 197)



louis vuitoon using-a-directory-of-podcast-videos-269

Using a Directory of Podcast Videos

While some video feeds can be found by visiting the
site that hosts them, many more are easier found by
visiting a directory of podcast videos. These podcast
video directories maintain listings of podcasts that have
been submitted to them. They may sort the list
according to region, category, and popularity, helping
visitors find exactly the type of feed they are looking
for. Tech video podcasts can be found, with regular
episodes about technology news. Some video feeds are
experimental podcasts, created by designers interested
in showcasing their work and trying out new forms of
editing and storytelling. There are some feeds that
recreate talk and comedy shows, with interviews every

A directory of podcast videos can help anyone find new
and interesting podcasts to subscribe to, and it can also
help podcasters advertise their feeds. Rather than
relying on word of mouth advertising and people
stumbling onto the feed, a directory makes it easier for
listeners to find the feed. Directories play the role that
early search engines did, maintaining a list of a
relatively small group of net addresses that otherwise
would not be found.

After looking through a directory of podcast videos and
finding a feed that is appealing, it can be subscribed to
by using a podcast client. A podcast client is a computer
program that checks the RSS file that stores the
information about the feed and downloads the video
files that the video podcast links to. The file can then be
watched by the user on their computer whenever and as
many times as they wish.

(Word count 269)

PPPPP 相关的主题文章:

Nike Shox Torch 2 Tips-For-New-Years-Eve-Party-Planning

Tips for New Years Eve Party Planning

New Years Eve is an exciting holiday for many. It is traditionally one of the holidays in which most people participate in parties with friends and family members. While going to parties is a great deal of fun, it is also a lot of fun to host your own New Years Eve party as well. It is definitely a lot of work to plan a memorable party but it is a great deal of fun as well. This article will offer a few basic tips for planning a New Years Eve party. These tips should be useful for both novice party planners as well as those who have a great deal of experience in planning parties for their friends and relatives.

The first step in planning any party including a New Years Eve party is to consider your guest list. This is important because it will help you to determine where to hold the party. For example if you have a fairly small home and want to host a party for over one hundred people, you will obviously have to consider hosting the party either in a much larger house or even in a catering hall or restaurant. When you are planning your guest list, you should figure each solely guest will likely bring a date with them. This is only reasonable and it would be considered tacky to tell guests they are not able to bring a date to the party.

Deciding whom to invite is not the only concern here. You should also consider how you plan to invite your guests. You have a number of options here. The most traditional way to invite guests to a party is to mail out invitations to each individual guest or married couple you plan to invite to the party. The invitations should include all of the pertinent information including date, time and location and should also include instructions for responding to the invitation. These instructions should include a deadline for responding and a method of responding such as calling by phone or sending an email.

Other options for sending invitations include calling the guests or sending out an electronic invitation via email. Although paper invitations were considered the only method for awhile, it is now considered acceptable to send out other non traditional invitations for any party or event.

Once you have determined the number of guests and the location of the party, it is time to consider the food and beverages for the party. Since most New Years Eve parties start rather late in the evening, appetizers and cocktails make an excellent idea for food. However, if you plan to start your New Years Eve party at an earlier time such as five or six o�clock in the evening, you should consider having more substantial food at your party. You might opt for an elaborate sit down dinner or include a buffet in your party.

Still another food option for New Years Eve parties is to host a brunch on New Years Day. You may offer finger foods, appetizers and cocktails in the evening and early morning but then start serving breakfast items as the sun starts to rise. This allows the party to go on a little longer because guests do not start leaving because they begin to get hungry.

When planning a New Years Eve party you should also consider the type of entertainment you plan to provide at the party. You might consider hiring a band for the duration of the party or for only a few hours during the party. Other entertainment ideas include have a DJ or playing your own recorded music. More elaborate and less traditional ideas for entertainment include hosting a murder mystery or hiring an improve group to perform. These are both fun ideas for entertainment because they get all of the guests involved in the fun.


Word count 653

Nike Shox Torch 2 The Color Purple Dazzles And Entertains Broadway_30590

The Color Purple is new to Broadway and has done it's press releases through the media to draw crowds of audiences to see the show. The venue is the Broadway Theatre, located at 1681 Broadway at 53rd street, and opened on December 1st 2005. The show runs for two hours and forty minutes with one intermission and is considered a musical drama.

The musical is based around Alice Walker's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, directed by Gary Griffin with a musical score by Brenda Russell, Allee Willis and Stephen Bray and starring LaChanze as CelieRenee Elise Goldsberry as Nettie Goldsberry. The show was already a blockbuster hit from the Steven Spielberg's movie of the same name, making most audiences very familiar with the stories content. The basis of the story is one women's triumph over adversity through the power of love. The production has some great musical moments using the genres of ragtime, gospel and the blues with dancing sequences choreographed by Donald Byrd.

The Color Purple is the story of a family and a women's struggle through adversity to realize her voice and power in the world at that time. The production has scored big with audiences and critics for it's heartfelt emotions of love, hope and triumph over the struggles of the human condition. Already hailed as a landmark on Broadway with a musical score which runs through the great music genre's of the time, warming the heart and truly adding to the inspiration of the story.

The Broadway musical production truly brings to life the characters of the classic novel by Alice Walker and the characters really come alive in a heartfelt and emotional way. The gospel, jazz, swing and African music bring a real touch of feel for the time period and help set the tone of the whole story.

The Color Purple has quickly become a must see show very quickly for Broadway. Critics have already praised the show for it's story and emotion as well as musical score. Audiences have come out in great numbers to experience the heartfelt emotion of the storyline and have come to say that the production is about love and though some times you may find yourself in tears, there are many funny and entertaining moments which keep the show from being boring or to deep.

The Color Purple is set for a long run in New York and The Color Purple play tickets prices run from anywhere between ninety-five dollars to one hundred and twenty dollars at the box office. For sold out shows you will have to buy from a broker and prices should run about twenty percent higher for average tickets, but much more expensive for premium seating.


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Copyright 2006 Socrates Olympio

In many respects one could say that this question is almost like a misnomer on any given day. $135 million? For 99.9% of the world's population the question may not merit a decent response if any at all. Simply because most of the world抯 population are either middle-class, working class, living hand-to-mouth or are in abject poverty.

So that leaves the veritable 0.01% or less of the world that have the disposable income or wealth enough to splash out on a small piece of canvas. Now for argument's sake, lets all assume that you and I did form part of that elite group. Will you still pay that amoount of money?

I can almost hear the questions coming through very loudly. What kind of canvas is it? Well, short answer is its an oil painting. An oil painting for 135 humungous ones? Yes and you better believe it. Not too long ago, Gustav Klimt抯 iconic 揗ona Lisa of Austria?that was looted by the Nazis went under the hammer for a whopping $135 million.

The entire art world was rightfully astounded by the auction price. But to you and I probably a bit on the sinful side of things. How can you justify the price of such a piece? Easily, I say. Forget the price for a moment. Lets try and place some value to it.

A little history sleuthing should help us on the way: Who was the artist? When was it painted? How many are there? Why was it painted?

Indeed even to the non-art lover, the mention of heavyweights such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Van Gogh etc., is enough to spark interest simply because the impact of their work is so ubiquitous in daily life such that no one can ignore the mastery and uniqueness of their pieces. I once saw a saying that goes '...if no-one ever took risks, Michaelangelo would have painted the Sistine floor!' (Neil Simon, playwright) If you havent seen it, seek it on the web or in person at the Vatican, its simply breathtaking!

Clearly the age of a piece of artwork also impacts on our decision to splash out. Recently another bizzare auction took place in London. Dubbed the holy grail of vintage wine, a 1787 Sauternes from Chateau Yquem went under the hammer for a rather 憄altry?$100,000! Clearly age must have something to do with how we value collectibles.

Then there's the lingering desire for exclusivity. Does anybody else have one? Indeed how many of the same are out there? If the answers are no and one respectively, expect the price to skyrocket. Notice how your average male makes an absolute fuss about having the latest ride in town when he's the only one with it? Well, seemingly the same trait permeates art collecting as well. Amongst the super rich and the 搊ld money? its not the type or number of 'horses in your stable?but rather which art pieces you have in your hallway! This is effectively the bling bling for the super-rich.

Finally, although to a lesser degree we seem to enjoy stories. If the painting doesnt tell a story, its rank will be on the lower end of things. Let it tell an intriguing story or better-still spice it with a myth or legend and bingo! Price shoots up again.

All in all, we can agree that there distinct factors in deciding whether and how much we pay for antiquated art pieces. But $135 million? Not me, for that kind of money I can find 135 charities at least whose operations will be transformed for a long time and boy that is a better feel-good factor than what抯 in my hallway.


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Blogging: Free Internet Marketing Method

It's been years since blogging has been practiced. But it's just recently that it has been considered as one of the addicting fads. Many teenagers have resorted to blogging as an outlet for their emotions, a little online nook where they can blurt out whatever just bugs them or whatever makes them feel elated. Savvy marketers have discovered that blogging is one of the best Internet marketing methods that won't cost you a cent.

What exactly is blogging? Blog is the widely used term that refers to web log. Basically, a blog is an online journal. A blog could be set up to no cost at all, and can be used for just for the fun of it or for business reasons.

Blogging for your Internet business is one surefire way to boost the visibility of your products and services. Here are a few ways to boost your internet advertising with the help of a blog:

1. Make your clients or customers abreast on your website's alterations. Your new products and affiliate websites could also be announced through your blog.

2. Keep track of your business objectives and plans through open writing. Your blog content can be easily stored through archives. What could be better than searchable information that could be easily accessed by anyone browsing the web, right?

3. Air your opinions, advice or reviews on specific services or products that are related to your business. Publishing is a very easy process with blogging.

4. Include links that will fetch back links and subsequently improve your ranking on search engines. This could be better executed through putting well-written articles in your website. Affiliate links could also be included in your blog to earn more extra income.

5. Collect response through the ability of blogs to fetch comments from your blog readers. You can learn and improve your products and services through with the feedback from your readers.

6. Connect easily with other bloggers. When other bloggers notice that you have something good in your blog, they will put you in their favorite lists that will automatically link you to their blogs.

So, how do you set up a blog? Here are some of the options you can make use of to take advantage of this fun way to advertise your Internet business.

Either you load a blogging software or let a blogging hosting service do it for you. Host services such as LiveJournal and Blogger.com are the most popular in this field. Those hosts will provide you with easy instructions on how to put up your blog.



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Prior to last December, Beijing put into commercial operation only three IMAX screen, which stores and movie museum Shijingshan Wanda relatively distant location. But "Avatar" period, the audience does not care of traffic problems, braved the cold long lines at the door tickets to other IMAX film for exhibition, it evidently did not grab a ticket regardless of cost posture. Even if "Pirates of the dream space" IMAX version of word of mouth is also very good, but many visitors plan and time costs of transportation, or give up.

Wanda International Cinema Xing Yan, general manager of the market is very bullish on the IMAX, the fares are relatively high, she said that the cost of the Office of the IMAX film, screening costs, maintenance costs more than ten times higher than the average theater, the IMAX film fares in the short term certainly do not fall down, "this is a high-end look at IMAX Experience." Xing Yan, but that now the audience are more rational, will choose based on the quality of video viewing mode, so the key is the video quality, "" Avatar "This strong piece on the current screen is not enough for five . "

China Star Studios manager Hui Liu told reporters that last year the proportion of IMAX large animated film, this Carnival-style video is very popular in foreign Dell INSPIRON E1505 Laptop Battery, but not too cold domestic audience, "If it is real IMAX, there may be a good market. "

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Tips on listing self-employment on your resume

Being self-employed comes with many challenges – determining your niche, finding clients, having adequate insurance, hiring additional help, etc. To succeed as a freelancer, contractor, or a new business owner, you have to have determination, passion and patience, much of the same characteristics you need to successfully hunt for a new job. So why is self-employment on a resume a concern for your potential employer?

Listing self-employment on your resume when looking for full-time job can raise questions for your potential employer. They will ask questions such as:
- Were self-employed because you were in between jobs, or because you wanted to start your own business rather than work for a corporation?
- Are you still working on your own, as a freelancer or a consultant? If so, do you intent to continue this work in addition to your full time job?
- Is your self-employment presenting a conflict of interest for the company?
- Are you working as a freelancer or a contractor on part-time basis, and never intend to have this replace full-time employment?
- Does your long-term career goal include owning your own business?

All of these questions are valid from your potential employer’s point of view. Companies do not want to hire you, train you and provide you with benefits only to have you quit after a year to start your own business. This is the main reason previous or current self-employment raises red flags for the hiring organizations. The best way to address any self-employment on your resume is to highlight the positives of working as a freelancer or managing your own business. It is important that your resume includes employment history that is honest and relevant to your career goals.

If you pick up a freelance project infrequently and do not intend to make this a full time career, you can omit any such experience from your resume. The only time you would list occasional freelance work on your resume is if it allows you to fill any gaps in your professional experience. If you have worked as a contractor for a period longer than three months, or if you have ever owned your own business, it is important that you indicate that on your resume. Highlight those attributes of the job experience that qualify you as a perfect candidate for the job that you are seeking. Your job responsibilities should be listed in the same way as they are for any other full-time job you’ve held; focus on those responsibilities which best meet your career objective and quantify your achievements when possible. Exemplify your self-starter attitude under the Qualifications section of your resume. Make sure to list any employability skills you have acquired or strengthened while you were self employed.

As a final indication of your commitment to the job you are seeking. Make sure that your cover letter or email addresses anticipated concerns of your potential employer. Make references to anything on your resume that may raise questions. If you still own your own business, but are looking for full-time work, for example, make sure to let your employer know what your long-term professional goals are and how you intend to balance your roles at both businesses. Don’t apologize for being self-employed. Your resume and cover letter should present you as a credible and passionate professional. Focus on the positive experiences and skills you have acquired as a freelancer, and make sure to let the employer know how these will benefit the company if you are their chosen candidate.

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Why Companies Today Are Outsourcing Their Jobs to Foreign Countries

Outsourcing is the latest buzzword in the business world today. Because of outsourcing, companies today are becoming more competitive and more efficient in doing their businesses. So, what is it about outsourcing that it is so hot in today抯 business world?

First of all, you need to know about outsourcing before rushing in to call other companies and outsource your business process. Outsourcing is a method that a company does by hiring other companies to do the other company抯 business process or at least part of the business process in order to save a lot of money and allow the company to concentrate its resources to more important matters.

This is why outsourcing is so popular in the business world today. With outsourcing, you will now able to save your company from spending a lot of money and at the same time, make your company concentrate on more important matters.

Usually, companies outsource their business process to other companies that accepts outsourced jobs in foreign countries. Companies today prefer outsourcing in developing countries, such as Mexico, Philippines, China and India because of the relatively cheap labor in these countries offer.

For example, if your company needs a help desk department in order for your clients reach your company to get their questions answered regarding the products and services they purchased from you, your company will spend a lot of money in creating this department. You will need to purchase computers, get it on a network, purchase help desk software and also hire additional employees to act as help desk representatives. Not only that, you will also devote a significantly large office space in order to accommodate the help desk department. Also, the employees you hire will be asking you for a high salary with full company benefits as a full time employee.

Now that you see how costly it is to create and maintain a help desk department, you should consider outsourcing it to save a lot of money and at the same time, save office space that you can later use for more important company matters.

Outsourcing to foreign countries that has call centers will enable you to cut on operational costs. They will charge you for their services but it will be significantly lower than maintaining your own in-house help desk.

You have to realize how much money you can save if you outsource.

Another vital factor is that your company will be able to divide the business process and let your company concentrate on more important matters, such as marketing, looking for new clients and other money making ventures that your company should prioritize.

The key feature in outsourcing your jobs to foreign countries that charge less is very obvious. With outsourcing, you will be able to save on company expenditures and at the same time, make your company competitive once again in the business world.

However, you should always remember that you should make sure that the company you will be outsourcing your company抯 job in should produce a high quality product. In call centers, you should look for a company that employs people who speaks fluent American English with little or no hint that they are from foreign countries and speaks English only as their second language.


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Team building events can be organized for various different purposes. You may want to stimulate collaboration, Build moral and unity, Strengthen work rate, Expand relationships or Enhance communication within a team. Your function should assist your group of employees become a real group - activities need to be inclusive not divisive. Some of the principal reasons for organizing a team bonding exercise are:-

Gets your folk co-operating together.

Reward their achievements.

Injects fresh enthusiasm, energy and group spirit

Identifies the dynamics within the group

Highlights diversity and creates respect for individual skills, styles and personalities

Makes you an 'employer of choice'

In planning your schedule, understand that people need different things to keep them involved, engaged and giving - sitting for too long in the one mode will not give you greatest return! A well planned program builds in a mixture of training modes - indoor presentations; workshops using a range of Audio Visual accessories plus a mixture of outdoor experiences that re-energize delegates and are themed to complement your conference program.

Indoor things to do

Indoor games can often aid with stirring the brain, improving retention of ideas, and building fun and amusement. Plus they can be organized all year round regardless of the elements being either too hot or cold.

Producing a TV show or advertisment , Casino nights, Cooking classes, Trivia, Game shows, Horse Racing Nights, Pictionary, Clay Modeling, Group Olympics, Treasure Hunts,

Outdoor things to do/ Adventure-themed experiences

Accomplish new heights by extending the comfort zone as you support any group member in the various activities. Find some things to do that will challenge self-imposed mental barriers and attitudes of your staff eg, Rock climbing, Orienteering, Amazing Race, Abseiling, Archery, Crystal Maze to name just a few.

Co-operating in perfect unison with your team or accomplice can be quite a battle but also very fulfilling.

Size of groups - The size of the team can often dictate what things to do you plan to draw up. Keeping teams small increases that success ratio as there are only so many individuals that you can relate to or connect with during the lesson. Once in a while you may need to split certain personality types up so that all group has a mix of introverts/extroverts leaders and followers. Avoid having too many Alpha men in just one team as it can be a formula for disaster.

Team project management

High performance team effort is built upon strong personal relationships and alignment to team goals. These activities provide a memorable & shared experience that involves working together on tasks that quickly build trust and cohesion across the team

Group planning

Designed for groups who work in a cutthroat area e.g. sales group, where the ability to out-think and outperform the competition is crucial to the group's success

group performance reviews

Involving your group in first identifying potential barriers to success and then generating strategies to overcome these is a great way to gain "buy in" and commitment to succeed. Every group can improve results by regularly reviewing how it is performing.

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Chapter 8 Death and a Proposal
Duroy moved his effects to the apartments in Rue de Constantinople. Two or three times a week, Mme. de-Marelle paid him visits. Duroy, to counterbalance them, dined at her house every Thursday, and delighted her husband by talking agriculture to him.
It was almost the end of February. Duroy was free from care. One night, when he returned home, he found a letter under his door. He examined the postmark; it was from Cannes. Having opened it, he read:
“Cannes, Villa Jolie.”
“Dear sir and friend: You told me, did you not, that I could
count upon you at any time? Very well. I have a favor to ask
of you; it is to come and help me — not to leave me alone during
Charles’s last moments. He may not live through the week,
although he is not confined to his bed, but the doctor has
warned me. I have not the strength nor the courage to see that
agony day and night, and I think with terror of the approaching
end I can only ask such a thing of you, for my husband has no
relatives. You were his comrade; he helped you to your
position; come, I beg of you; I have no one else to ask.”
“Your friend,”
“Madeleine Forestier.”
Georges murmured: “Certainly I will go. Poor Charles!”
The manager, to whom he communicated the contents of that letter, grumblingly gave his consent. He repeated: “But return speedily, you are indispensable to us.”
Georges Duroy left for Cannes the next day by the seven o’clock express, after having warned Mme. de Marelle by telegram. He arrived the following day at four o’clock in the afternoon. A commissionnaire conducted him to Villa Jolie. The house was small and low, and of the Italian style of architecture.

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Big Sky Ski Vacations

With all that Big Sky, Montana has to offer skiers, it
is amazing that so few know about its existence!
Known for its wide open slopes and short lift lines,
Big Sky Ski Resort has one of the largest lift served
vertical drops in the United States. Over 5300 acres
of ski slopes and trails await skiers, with over 33 feet
of snowfall each season.

Big Sky Ski Resort features twenty three lifts, 220
trails, and a 4350 foot vertical drop. The top elevation
is 11154 feet. Along with the ski lifts, there are also
two cable car lines available. While there are
beginner slopes, most of the slopes are geared
toward intermediate and expert skiers.

There are many places to lodge in Big Sky Resorts
Mountain Village, which rests at the foot of the
impressive Lone Peak mountain. Enjoy Sleigh Ride
dinners, ice skating, parties, snowmobile tours, and
a variety of community events. At Big Sky, there are
no strangers. Big Sky, Montana is one of the highest
rated Ski Resorts in the United States, and there is
something here for everyone.

(word count 183)



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Backhoe Loader

Also referred to as a loader backhoe, the backhoe
loader is an engineering and excavation vehicle that
consists of a tractor, front shovel and bucket and
a small backhoe in the rear end. Due to the small
size and versatility, backhoe loaders are common
with small construction projects and excavation type

Originally invented in Burlington Iowa back in 1857,
the backhoe loader is the most common variation of
the classic farm tractor. As the name implies, it
has a loader assembly on the front and a backhoe
attachment on the back.

Anytime the loader and backhoe are attached it is
never referred to as a tractor, as it is not normally
used for towing and doesn't normally have a PTO.
When the backhoe is permanently attached, the
machine will normally have a seat that can swivel
to the rear to face the backhoe controls. Any type
of removable backhoe attachments will normally have
a seperate seat on the attachment itself.

Backhoe loaders are common and can be used for many
tasks, which include construction, light transportation
of materials, powering building equipment, digging
holes and excavating, breaking asphalt, and even
paving roads.

You can often replace the backhoe bucket with
other tools such as a breaker for breaking and
smashing concrete and rock. There are some loader
buckets that offer a retractable bottom, which
enable it to empty the load more quickly and

The retractable bottom loader buckets are often
times used for grading and scratching off sand.
The front assembly on a backhoe may be either
removable or permanently attached. Often times,
the bucket can be replaced with other tools or
devices. In order to mount different attachments
to the loader, it must be equipped with a tool
coupler. The coupler consists of two hydraulic
cylinders on the end of the arm assembly, which
can expand and retract to allow different tools to
be attached to the unit.

There are several types of backhoe loader brands,
including New Holland, John Deere, and Case. Some
will offer you cabs, while others won't. The
newer types of backhoe loaders even offer you air
conditioning, radios, and other accessories that
make you feel like you are working with luxury.

Common with excavating jobs, the backhoe can serve
many purposes. It can haul equipment and supplies
in the loader bucket. Another great use is to cover
up dirt when filling in trench lines or covering
up pipe that was just put in the ground. The
backhoe attachment at the rear is ideal for digging
water pipes and sewer pipes.

The best thing about the backhoe loader is the
fact that they are easy to operate. You don't
need to be a rocket scientist to fully operate this
nifty piece of equipment.


(word count 459) 相关的主题文章:

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Betting Using Horse Racing Selection Systems

Since then, horse racing has been a part of our society. It has been a popular entertainment for many different people. Although many people think that it抯 impossible to make money by betting on horse racing, other finds it quite profitable using these systems. In fact, many people have gained wealth just by betting on these races. However, it is also a fact that many have lost their moneys because of this sport, too.

Now, ff you抮e a beginner, using selection systems before you know the basics may tend to confuse you. You see, there are some terms used in these racing bet systems that are not easy to understand.

There are many guides out there that will help you learn how to bet on horse racing. In betting, you also need to make physical approximations on the condition of each player. You need to look at the jockey and the trainer of the horse. You must make sure that your selection must have a good run.

There are still other factors that are needed for betting and to find out about them many people have made different horse racing selection systems that will help you figure out the horse that may actually win.

However, it will take you a lot of time to figure out which type of horse can make probable goods. You will need thorough research in order to have an even higher chance of winning in every bet. For some people this is time consuming and chances are minimal. However, what they don抰 know is that these systems will provide valuable information as to which horse will win each race.

The use of horse racing selection systems is now wider because many have proven these systems to be able to provide an easier way to bet on which kind of horse have a higher probability of winning each race.

Most system work in a way that it relies on a considerable fact, wherein most of the racing days at least 1 favorite will win one of the races. In a day, there are at least three (3) race meetings in every day 6 of 7 races in a meeting. Thus, this usually means that in other parts of a country there are excess of 20 races.

Therefore, if 1 favorite wins out of the 20 races, you can already consider yourself a winner, right? You can picture the probability that there抯 always a single favorite winning out of the 20 races. However, this is small.

A horse racing selection system can be used in order to know which horses have high chances of winning with regards to the most common types of horse race bets. You can use these systems for making straight bet, place bet, combination bet, show bet, pick 6 bet, reverse forecast, tricast, superfecta, daily double and more.

You can try different horse racing selection systems. Most of these systems can be found online, just use an online search engine and you will get a list of companies that provide them. Now, it is up to you if you want to use them or not. However, if you don抰 feel like you抮e throwing away your money just by randomly selecting the type of horse that will win, it is advisable to use these systems.


coach Just ask for two referrals

* Just ask for two referrals.

Two referrals are enough from each warm contact. This is to have another option in case the first one didn't work out. Asking for more than two referrals could be impolite as it can take much time from your warm contact. Also, that will make your warm contact feel that you are relying mostly on him or her for your job search. So, unless they volunteer the information, don't ask for more than 2 referrals.

* Contact referrals as soon as possible.

When your warm contacts give you referrals, there are times that they also call these people personally to give more information about you. On the other hand, when you contact the people to whom you were referred, your referrals may call your warm contacts to verify the information or to ask more information about you.

Either way, you have to contact your referrals soon enough that these people can still remember their conversation with your warm contact, or your warm contact can still remember that you have talked.

At times, after your referrals were called by your warm contacts, they anticipate your call and even prepare questionnaires and exams for you to take. Do not waste this opportunity by delaying follow-up on referrals.

Keeping these tips in mind will be able to help you in asking for good referrals from your warm contacts.